Germanic incense
For the old Germanic peoples, incense rituals were a very natural part of their lives. Most of what we know about this - our - past culture today is based on myths and excavations. Thus, in many archaeological excavations, resins and plant remains have been found that indicate the incense substances used at that time. Taking mythology, logic and intuition into account, this results in a rich treasure trove of Germanic knowledge that is revived in these Germanic incenses.
As the symbol for this incense series, Christian Rätsch chose the shaman god Wotan in his eagle form. “The eagle is the classic shamanic bird. Wotan can take the form of an eagle and fly into other realities. He is the god who strives for knowledge; he wants to know everything, he wants knowledge. Wotan is the master of the art of magic. By the magic arts we mean shamanism.” (from: Christian Rätsch, Der Heilige Hain)