Our herbal tonics open up their soothing properties either pure or as a mixed drink. If you like the elixirs in the form of long drinks or cocktails or if you enjoy them in hot drinks, you will find the right suggestions for them here.
Drinks with Amazonic Jungle Tonic
Vital, relaxed, powerful
Drinks with Aphrodite
Sensual, harmonizing
Drinks with Cerebrotonic
Refreshment for Mind and Spirit
Drinks with Waldmeister
Waldmeister liquer - The bringer of Spring
Drinks with Edena
Clear, golden, paradise
Drinks with Kokmok
Refreshing, spontaneous, energetic
Drinks with Lunatonic
Effortless, elevating and perpetual
Drinks with Moonwalk
Effortless, elevating, perpetual
Drinks with Protectonic
Invigorating, protective, grounding
Drinks with Satyr
Frisky, ingenious, indulgent
Drinks with Venuswave
Physical, sensual, inspiring
Drinks with Yaona
Celtic soul tonic