About us
Our 'dream team'
The potential of plants has been used since the beginning of time to heal and to enhance well-being. At Sensatonics, we have been researching for over two decades the traditional knowledge that various cultures have developed about plants. We would like to pass this rich treasure of experience on to you.
The foundation of the company is our great team, which has grown steadily over the last few years and at the same time has kept its friendly and familiar spirit. Some of us have known each other for decades, others are from the next generation. We are all united by a common interest in plants, nature and indigenous knowledge.

About us
The founders, Ralf Güthe and Jörg Happe: we have been interested in the effects of plants ever since our youth. After traveling to all parts of the world, this led to the founding of the legendary Spacebar in post-reunification Berlin, where hedonistically oriented, plant-based drinks offered an alternative to beer and typical alcoholic drinks. The Herbal Kicks Kokmok, Moonwalk and Venuswave could tell a lot of stories from this era.
But our interest in the power of plants had just been awakened. Based on the research into traditional plant knowledge from around the globe, Central European herbalism as well as the indigenous peoples' understanding of plants, we developed further drinks, a.k.a. Herbal Tonics, Sensatonics.

About us
Over the years, our interest broadened and with it the range of our company, with which we want to help awaken the senses to the power of plants and the richness of nature. Our philosophy is particularly characterized by the shamanic traditions that show us how to live in harmony with each other and with nature. Our range of ritual supplies and shamanic art helps the guardians of ancient wisdom bring their knowledge to the world and supports the preservation of their cultures and traditions.

About us
With our ever-increasing selection of products from our own manufacture, we want to open the senses to the richness of nature. Ecology, sustainability and fairness are our most important economic principles.

About us
Our Herbal Tonics
Our Herbal Tonics combine the power of European herbalism with the ethno-botanical diversity of Asia and the Americas. Our focus is on the Amazonian plant world, with its treasure trove of vitalizing tree barks. Confidence in the wisdom of nature and the sustainable approach to using these products is at the core of the Sensatonics philosophy. Therefore, we prefer to use plant parts from foraging and natural raw materials in our formulas. From our holistic point of view, our decision to work as a manufactory is an obvious one.

About us
Only by producing small quantities, with a large dash of careful handcraft, are the valuable herbs incredibly gently extracted and the power and spirit of the plants are preserved. Our products are sweetened exclusively with fruit juices and are free of refined sugar, artificial flavors, preservatives and animal products (vegan). We use pure organic alcohol and purified, energized water for the plant extracts. The guarana contained in many Sensatonics products comes from the Brazilian development aid project ONCA (Jaguar). Thanks to the fair prices, the indigenous and small farmers are empowered to improve their living conditions and continue their traditional way of production and life. In addition, the guarana is cultivated according to ecologically sustainable principles and thus makes an important contribution to the conservation of flora and fauna. We particularly appreciate the Amazon rainforest, as its abundance of plants is a constant inspiration for us. That is why we are a supporting member of the organization Pro REGENWALD e.V.
Whether vitalizing, heart-opening, relaxing the pelvis or simply increasing a sense of joie de vivre: the Sensatonics range has the right product for every situation and desired mood. Plants are widely known and accepted in our culture as remedies for illnesses. You can experience many other herbal effects - from health-maintaining to relaxing to aphrodisiac - in other words, properties that make life more enjoyable for healthy people - with our elixirs. Have a lot of fun on your journey of discovering the senses!

About us
Our Incense
Burning incense belongs to one of the oldest ritual acts of humankind. For thousands of years, the aromatic scent of plants has been used to consecrate, cleanse and protect, to heal the sick, to fend off evil spirits and welcome the good spirits. For over 25 years, we have been researching the beneficial power of burning incense – in this way, our Native American incense products contain the valuable incense herbs of the North American tribes as well as (sometimes rare) leaves, wood, and saps that are traditionally used by the indigenous peoples of the Amazonas.

About us
We receive the herbs for our incense direct and fresh from the areas of origin; that’s why we guarantee their excellent quality and aroma. All of our Native American incenses come from sustainable wild foraging – our sweetgrass braids, for example, are traditionally picked and braided by Canadian First Nations families. Due to the increase in demand for valuable herbal incense globally, the traditional ways of cultivating and harvesting these plants are at their limit. We always try to find resource-saving and sustainable solutions together with our local partners. We warmly invite you to embark on a journey through the world of scents!

About us
Our Rapé
Our rapé blends are complex shamanic powders obtained directly from the treasure troves of various indigenous peoples of the Brazilian rainforest. They are traditionally produced there by experienced shamans and healers according to secret recipes. We are very grateful that the tribes share their plant knowledge and wisdom with us, and at the same time we would like to encourage that these plants are handled in a conscious, respectful way. With the purchase of our rapés you directly support the preservation and spread of their unique culture and tradition. We are very excited to share these authentic preparations with you!